June 6, 2021 Announcements

Church in DC Goals

  • Buildout of meeting hall and resumption of in-person meetings
  • Endeavor to have shepherding/gospel activities one hour a week
  • Ten baptisms
  • Four Families/couples to migrate into the District of Columbia
  • Prayer meeting attendance of 35, and endeavor to pray at least once in each prayer meeting — last week’s attendance: 40
  • Endeavor to prophesy at least once a month in the prophesying meeting
  • Endeavor to actively participate in the Lord’s Table meeting
  • Five new college students who regularly attend the college student meeting

Zoom Links

CIDC Zoom Connection 1:
Meeting ID: 710 276 939 | Password: 142536 | Dial-in: (646) 558-8656

CIDC Zoom Connection 2:
Meeting ID: 475 779 813 |  Password: 055662 | Dial-in: (646) 558-8656

Church in DC Announcements

5/31 – Holy Word for Morning Revival
The Intrinsic and Organic Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ, Week 3 — The Intrinsic Building Up of the Church for Its Organic Function

5/31 – Ministry Reading
Life-Study of Colossians, Message 27 — Christ—Our Life

6/2 – Prayer Meeting via Zoom8 PM
CIDC Zoom connection 1

6/6 Lord’s Table Meeting, 10:00 AM
CIDC Zoom connection 1

6/6  – Deadline for HWMR sign-up
If you need a hard copy of the next HWMR book, please sign up (https://forms.gle/nabC9jttWh8tGNMa8) before 6/6 and pay ($8 per copy shipped) via Zelle.

6/12 – Church in DC gospel meeting at 7:30 PM
Invitation has been sent out via a separate email.

6/18-20 – Mid-Atlantic 6th Grade Camp
Registration and information can be found at: 2021 Gospel Camp Announcement.docx

6/20 – Registration deadline for the 2021 Summer Semi-Annual Training
Please complete the online registration form at https://forms.gle/Gx65Tm683C1fvGkk6 and submit the training donation ($125) via Zelle to cidcofferings@gmail.com (indicating “training” in the memo section). A late charge of $25 will be incurred, in addition to the training donation, for late (after 6/20/21) registration.
Here is the training schedule.
Messages 1 and 2: 7/5, Monday, 4:30 PM and 7:30 PM
Message 3: 7/8, Thursday, 7:30 PM
Message 4: 7/9, Friday, 7:30 PM
Messages 5 and 6: 7/10, Saturday, 4:30 PM and 7:30 PM
Messages 7: 7/11, Lord’s Day, 7:30 PM
Message 8: 7/13, Tuesday, 7:30 PM
Messages 9: 7/15, Thursday, 7:30 PM
Messages 10: 7/16, Friday, 7:30 PM
Messages 11 and 12: 7/17, Saturday, 4:30 PM and 7:30 PM

8/4-7 – MA Summer School of Truth
Registration and information coming soon.


If making contributions electronically via Zelle, send contributions to email address cidcofferings@gmail.com. Please specify designations in the memo field if necessary. 

Book Room

Electronic versions are available and can be purchased through various outlets, depending on your device/platform: 

Google Play
English: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/?id=FDwfEAAAQBAJ
Spanish: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/?id=FjwfEAAAQBAJ&hl=en_NZ

English: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08X37BRTB
Spanish: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08X36LY2Y

iOS devices
English: https://books.apple.com/us/book/holy-word-for-morning-revival-intrinsic-organic-building/id1558530454
Spanish: https://books.apple.com/us/book/la-palabra-santa-para-avivamiento-matutino-la-edificaci/id1558523603
Chinese (instructions): https://churchindunnloring.org/files/HWMR_CHT_IOS.pdf

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