Report on April 29, 2012 Celebration of the Resumption of the Lord’s Table in Washington, DC

Dear saints in the Lord’s recovery,

Christ the King, the Priest, the Warrior, the Victor, and the Drinker!

We had a glorious meeting on April 29 to celebrate the resumption of the Lord’s table in
Washington, DC. Roughly 600 adults and 75 children attended the meeting at Grand Hyatt in
downtown Washington, DC. Most of the saints were from the churches on the East Coast,
including New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West
Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia. Some saints from Salt Lake City, Utah; Arlington, Texas;
and Anaheim, California were also present. We even had a couple visiting from India who
testified that “the Lord is also moving mightily in India!” Below is a short report on the
celebration meeting.

The Lord’s table meeting went from 9:30 AM to 10:45 AM. Even though our number was large,
the atmosphere was intimate, and the meeting was full of strong praises and prayers. The latter
portion of the Lord’s table also had many sweet praises to the Father.

We had a 20-minute break after the Lord’s table. It was quite a sight to see how the saints took
the opportunity to mingle and fellowship during the break. The second shift of the serving ones
of the children’s service also relieved those who served in the first shift, so that no one missed
the celebration meeting entirely.

The prophesying meeting went from 11:05 AM to 12:20 PM. We covered Message 18, the
Highest Revelation of Christ, of the Crystallization-Study of the Psalms. A brother gave a strong,
short opening. We encouraged the saints, when prophesying, to exercise their spirit to follow the
progression of the message. The result was a marvelous corporate re-speaking of the entire
message, with close to 60 saints who prophesied. A brother then gave a strong closing word
emphasizing the matter concerning consecration in order to cooperate with Christ’s heavenly
ministry. We truly felt the Body has been built up as a result.

We distributed lunch boxes, wonderfully prepared by the saints in the Church in Charlottesville,
Virginia, outside the hotel after the meeting. Many saints took advantage of nearby parks and
had lunch and more fellowship there. In addition to lunch, we also prepared and distributed
ministry publication packages for the saints who are burdened to sow the seed of life. Each
package included Recovery Version of the New Testament, Basic Elements of the Christian Life,
Bibles for America invitation cards, and a variety of gospel tracts.

All in all, we felt the Lord’s presence during the entire time. We trust that both the Lord and the
saints were satisfied. We also want to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued
prayer over the years for Washington, DC. The saints in DC have been greatly encouraged to
continue to practice the God ordained way for His further spread and increase.

For His move throughout the whole earth,
Responsible brothers of the Church in Washington, DC

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