2022 CIDC Goals
-Timely completion of meeting hall buildout:
- Pray for the speedy finishing of the building interior to secure the certificate of occupancy.
- Pray for the release of the permits for the second floor and exterior/landscaping.
- Pray for the ongoing interaction with DC OCFO regarding our application for real property tax exemption.
-Quarterly gatherings for young adults/working saints
-Six gospel events (e.g., Zoom, BfA, outings) – 4/6
-Ten baptisms
-Prayer meeting attendance of 35, and endeavor to pray at least once in each prayer meeting — last week’s attendance: 35
-Weekly in-person young people gatherings
ZOOM Links
CIDC Zoom Connection 1:
- https://zoom.us/j/710276939?pwd=V2FXd1hJS2RtVFZFOFdMeVFhRS9IQT09
- Meeting ID: 710 276 939 | Password: 142536 | Dial-in: (646) 558-8656
CIDC Zoom Connection 2:
- https://us04web.zoom.us/j/475779813pwd=VWZxZ3FFTmRHWk41VDFhbGdaVlc2UT09
- Meeting ID: 475 779 813 | Password: 055662 | Dial-in: (646) 558-8656
10/19 – Prayer Meeting via Zoom, 8 PM
CIDC Zoom Connection 1
10/23 – Lord’s Table Meeting, 10 AM, in-person at Key School
(Saints can also join remotely via CIDC Zoom Connection 1)
10/17 – Holy Word for Morning Revival, Crystallization-study of 1 & 2 Kings – Vol 1, 2022 July Semiannual Training
Week 4 – Solomon’s Splendid Kingdom Typifying Christ’s Kingdom in the Millennium
10/17 – Ministry Reading
Life-Study of Philippians
Message 1 – The Background and Subject of the Book
10/28-10/30 – 2022 MA Fall College Retreat
Space is still available for college students at the Williamsburg Christian Retreat Center (9275 Barnes Road, Toano, VA). Please register at: https://forms.gle/6dQ17qfjQJHnNhmRA. The deadline to register is 10/9.
11/24-11/27 – International Thanksgiving Blending Conference in Washington, DC
Hotel reservation link: https://book.passkey.com/go/LSM Other details about the conference can be found at https://churchindunnloring.org/2022-thanksgiving-conference/.
12/26-12/31 – Semiannual Training at the Ministry Conference Center, Anaheim, CA
Deadline for live training registration is 10/30, with no allowance for late registration. The registration donation is $200 per trainee plus $5 for the printed outline ($205 in total). Deadline for video training registration is also 10/30 and the training donation is $125. Late registration for video training is accepted until 12/11 with no additional charge. Afterwards, a late charge of $25 will be added.
The registration website is: https://forms.gle/8kbwNdB1j6NqBQddA
Please submit registration donation via Zelle to cidcofferings@gmail.com and indicate “training” in the memo.
Video training schedule:
Message 1: 12/27, Tuesday, 7:30 PM
Message 2: 12/29, Thursday, 7:30 PM
Messages 3 : 12/30, Friday, 7:30 PM
Messages 4 and 5: 12/31, Saturday, 4:30 and 7:30 PM
Messages 6: 1/1, Lord’s Day, 7:30 PM
Messages 7 and 8: 1/2, Monday, 4:30 and 7:30 PM
Messages 9: 1/5, Thursday, 7:30 PM
Message 10: 1/6, Friday, 7:30 PM
Messages 11 and 12: 1/7, Saturday, 4:30 and 7:30 PM
September Financial Statements
Available at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kHKaJGAinGKY2RD8MF2ZYY7AsJFShKiG/view?usp=sharing
The file is protected by the same password as before.
If making contributions electronically via Zelle, send contributions to email address cidcofferings@gmail.com.
Please specify designations in the memo field if necessary.
2023 Gospel Calendar – now available for immediate purchase directly with LSM. Please go to http://www.livingstream.com/gospel-calendars/en to place your order. This calendar features traditional Chinese drawings with Scriptures in both Chinese and English and includes American holidays. The price is $11 per calendar if ordered by October 31, and $15 after that. Appropriate sales tax and shipping and handling charges will be added to your order.
Life-Study of Philippians (3 volume set) – $34.25 a set
HWMR: Crystallization-Study of 1 & 2 Kings – Vol 1, 2022 July Semiannual Training – $7.00
Just arrived: NYCYPCD 2021 – Watch, Be Ready! – $12.00
HWMR: Crystallization-Study of 1 & 2 Kings – Vol 2, 2022 July Semiannual Training – $7.00
(Available for in-person purchase at Key School)
Please use the following links for the electronic versions of the new HWMR book.
English: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=0eF7EAAAQBAJ
Spanish: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=HeJ7EAAAQBAJ
Traditional Chinese: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/?id=_et9EAAAQBAJ
Simplified Chinese: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=Dex9EAAAQBAJ
English: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B6QKX4X8
Spanish: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B6QSCQ3T
iOS devices
English: https://books.apple.com/us/book/id6443190904