11/4 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Crystallization Study of Genesis, Week 9, The Serpent, the Woman, and the Seed of the Woman.
11/6 Prayer meeting in the homes, 8 p.m.
11/10 Lord’s Day meeting at Key Elementary School, 10 a.m.
11/5-11/6 BfA distribution in DC – A team of BfA volunteers will be here for BfA distribution. The tentative distribution schedule is as follows:
11/5 11am-1pm Rosslyn Metro
11/6 7:30am-9am Washington Navy Yard
11/6 4pm-5:30pm Columbia Heights
We’re seeking local saints who can join the the team. Please go to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Dsf9bVxFfczDzVeJkCvl7E2Eie7rVoOFoUgEBmtE0W8/viewform to sign up. Please sign up even if you’re available for only a brief period of time. Additional details will be forwarded to the saints who signed up.
2013 International Thanksgiving Conference will be held November 28-December 1 in Schaumburg, Illinois. For additional details, please visit: http://churchindc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/2013-Thanksgiving-Conference.pdf
2013 Winter Training Registration – The live training, to be held at the LSM campus in Anaheim, CA, will be Dec. 23-28. The video training will be simultaneously held at two locations in the homes, one in NE DC, and the other one in Northern Virginia. If you are signing up for the video training, please also select one of the two locations. The video training schedule is as follows:
MSG 1: Dec. 27, 7:30 pm
MSG 2 and 3: Dec. 28, 4:30 and 7 pm
MSG 4 and 5: Dec. 29, 4:30 and 7 pm
MSG 6 and 7: Jan. 1, 4:30 and 7 pm
MSG 8: Jan. 3, 7:30 pm
MSG 9 and 10: Jan. 4, 4:30 and 7 pm
MSG 11 and 12: Jan. 5, 4:30 and 7 pm
Donation (including outlines) is $155 for live and $80 for video training if registered before Oct. 30. Any late registration for the live training will incur an additional $50 charge per trainee and subject to approval by LSM. Registration for the video training will be open again after the Oct. 30 due date. Please submit the training registration together with donation to Tony Jang.
An Open Letter from the Local Churches and Living Stream Ministry Concerning the Teachings of Witness Lee – There is a new website, http://an-open-letter.org which is an open letter from the Local Churches and Living Stream Ministry Concerning the teachings of Witness Lee. It contains a statement of faith, the Lord’s Recovery, and history as well as testimonies from respected Christians. Many can benefit from this website and it can be used freely for the Lord’s interests and reaching others.
Book Room
New York Young People CDs – How Firm a Foundation – $11.00
DC Area Songbook are ready for pick up at the book room. – $8.00
The Vision of the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil – $6.50
como reunirnos (Spanish) – $11.50
New Testament Recovery Version (Pocketsize;6t 1/8″x43/8″,Burgundy;Test only) – $5.00
How to Meet – $11.50
Life-Study of Genesis (3 volume set) (Pocket-size Edition) – $40.00
Hymns#1-1348 (small, words only) – $20.00
Hymns#1-1348 (medium, words only) – $22.00
Hymns#1-1348 (large, words only) – $25.00