November 17, 2013 Announcements

11/17 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Crystallization Study of Genesis, Week 11, Noah-the Life and Work That Can Change the Age.

11/20 Prayer meeting in the homes, 8 p.m. 

11/24 Lord’s Day meeting in the homes, 10 a.m.

International Thanksgiving Conference Webcast in Dunn Loring – Webcast schedule of the International Thanksgiving Conference at the Dunn Loring meeting hall is as follows:

Friday, 11/29/13, 7:15 pm – Message 1
Saturday, 11/30/13, 5:30 pm – Message 2
Saturday, 11/30/13, 7:15 pm – Message 3
Lord’s Day, 12/01/13, 5:30 pm – Message 4
Saturday, 12/07/13, 7:15 pm – Message 5
Lord’s Day, 12/08/13, 5:30 pm – Message 6
Gifts for Philippines Relief – A devastating typhoon struck the Philippines about a week ago, creating a wide spread disaster to the affected area. You can designate your offerings to “Churches in Philippines Relief.” These funds will be used to help the churches and the saints that have been affected by this disaster.

Book Room


New York Young People CDs – How Firm a Foundation – $11.00
DC Area Songbook are ready for pick up at the book room. – $8.00
The Vision of the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil – $6.50

Como Reunirnos (Spanish) – $11.50
New Testament Recovery Version (Pocketsize;6t 1/8″x43/8″,Burgundy;Test only) – $5.00
How to Meet – $11.50
Life-Study of Genesis (3 volume set) (Pocket-size Edition) – $40.00
Hymns#1-1348 (small, words only) – $20.00
Hymns#1-1348 (medium, words only) – $22.00
Hymns#1-1348 (large, words only) – $25.00


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