March 15, 2020 Announcements

Church in DC Goals

  • Meeting hall
  • General gospel activities: 6
  • Prayer meeting attendance (25) – last week: 18
  • Families/couples to migrate to DC: 4 (with 2 to NE)
  • Baptisms: 10
  • More vital home gatherings of all types and more visitation
  • Endeavor to prophesy in the meeting (e.g., once a month)

Church in DC Announcements

3/16 Holy Word for Morning Revival: Holy Word for Morning Revival, Crystallization-Study of Deuteronomy, Volume 1, Week 2, A Governmental Administration of the Righteous, Holy, Faithful and Loving God

3/16 Ministry Reading: Life-Study of Ephesians, Message 60, Experiencing Christ in God’s Economy

3/18 Prayer Meeting TBD

3/22 Lord’s Table Meeting TBD

3/20-22 Spring Mid-Atlantic Blending Conference —  Given the community health situation with coronavirus, the Mid-Atlantic blending conference has been altered in the following ways:
1. Schedule 
To minimize prolonged contact with one another we will have the following sessions, which will be conducted as a live stream from brother Minoru. The tentative meeting schedule is as follows. Each meeting should begin with 30 minutes of prayer to seek and open to the Lord.

  • Message 1, Saturday, 3/21, prayer 10-10:30 AM EDT, message 10:30 AM-noon EDT
  • Message 2, Saturday, 3/21, prayer 1-1:30 PM EDT, message 1:30-3 PM EDT
  • Lord’s table, Lord’s day, 3/22, 10-10:30 AM EDT
  • Message 3, Lord’s day, 3/22, 10:30 AM-noon EDT

2. Venues, Small Groups and Individuals
To reduce the size of gatherings we will encourage saints to meet in 2’s and 3’s in homes for prayer. In addition, a link will be forthcoming from various regional and locality coordinators. The small groups can use the link to watch the live stream of the messages. On Lord’s Day there will be live streaming and each locality will communicate how the saints may gather to participate.
3. Caring for One’s Health

We encourage all saints to exercise divinely human prudence in caring for both one’s own health and that of others. If someone feels they are in an at-risk category for contagious diseases, please participate in the gatherings in smaller settings. Anyone who is sick or exposed to sick individuals should likewise consider others in love and participate individually. While together we should forgo shaking hands and use proper sanitizing methods.  

5/22-5/25 International Memorial Day Conference — To be held at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis (the Atrium Ballroom) in Atlanta, GA. A special group rate of $109.00 USD/per night plus tax and fees is available at the Atlantic Marriott Marquis. For room reservations, please call 1-800-228-9290 and mention the Living Stream Ministry Memorial Day Conference to receive the special group rate. To make online reservations at the special group rate, please go to: Please reserve only the number of rooms that you intend to use, as cancelled rooms are no longer available to others at the discounted group rate.

Making Contributions Electronically – If making contributions electronically via Zelle, send contributions to email address Please specify designations in the memo field if necessary.

Book Room

Next HWMR: The Crystallization-Study of Deuteronomy, Vol. 1, is available for purchase as the book table – $6.00

Ministry of the Word (Periodical), The, Vol. 24, No. 01 The Crystallization-Study of Deuteronomy $15.00


Hymns#1-1348 (Large,words only) – $25.00

Hymns#1-1348 (Small, words only) – $20.00

New Testament Recovery Version (Pocketsize; 6 1/8″x4 3/8″; Burgundy; Test only) – $5.00

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