June 8, 2014 Announcements

06/09    The Holy Word for Morning Revival Crystallization-Study of Genesis Volume Four Week 22 (repeat), Two Wells — Two Sources of Living


06/11     Prayer Meeting in the homes, 8:00pm


06/12     BfA distribution at Shaw Metro station – There will be a BfA distribution 5-6 PM at the Shaw-Howard U Metro station (green and yellow lines). All saints are encouraged to participate for whatever time they are available. More details will be forthcoming.


06/15      Lord’s Day Meeting at Key Elementary School, 10:00am      


Athens Georgia College Training on July 14-20 –Register by 6/8 for $330 or by 6/22 for $365. Please, visit the website for registration. http://collegetraining.org

FTTA Training Center Relocation –There is a need for offerings for the relocation of the FTTA training center to the LSM campus. Pledge forms and further details are available at the Service Office. If you are led to give, please designate your offerings for “FTTA Training Center”.







The next HWMR, Aspects of the Christian Life and Church Life as Seen in the New Jerusalem, April 2014 ITERO, is now available for purchase. English and Spanish versions available at the bookroom; Chinese and Korean saints can purchase in their respective meeting locations;DC saints can purchase at the school. Cost for this publication is $8.00.


La Obra de Edificacion que Dios Realiza  (Spanish) – $8.50

The Age of the One New Man – (Traditional Chinese) – $6.75

Conclusion del Nuevo Testamento, La (Mensajes 063-078) (Spanish) – $9.00

The Heavenly Vision – $5.00

New Testament Recovery Version (Black,Burgundy; Economy) w/ footnotes; Softbound; 63/4×41/2) – $15.00


New York Young People CDs – $11.00

– I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord!

– The Comfort Abounds

– How Firm A Foundation

– O Jesus Most Desired


Mensajes de vida,tomo2 (#42-75) (Spanish) – $13.00

Revelations in Genesis: Seeing God’s Way of Salvation in Man’s Fall – $7.25

Conclusion del Nuevo Testamento, La(Mensajes050-062) (Spanish) – $8.00

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