June 1, 2014 Announcements

6/2 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Crystallization Study of Genesis (4), Week 24, “A Practical Living in Oneness with the Lord and a Type of Christ Marrying the Church.”

6/4 Prayer meeting in the homes, 8 p.m. 

6/8 Lord’s Day meeting in homes, 10 a.m.

Enlarged facilities for the FTTA — The Full-Time Training in Anaheim (FTTA) will be relocated from its current facility on Ball Road to the Ministry Conference Center on W. La Palma Avenue in Anaheim, in August 2014, in order to meet increasing needs. Please see separate flyers for additional details. The projected cost to complete the construction is about $8M, to be borne by LSM and the churches. If so led by the Lord, please designate your offerings to “FTTA Training Center.” Please make your contributions before July 20. For planning purpose, please also complete the pledge form and drop it in the offering box.

Book Room


La Obra de Edificacion que Dios Realiza  (Spanish) – $8.50

The Age of the One New Man – (Traditional Chinese) – $6.75

Conclusion del Nuevo Testamento, La (Mensajes 063-078) (Spanish) – $9.00

The Heavenly Vision – $5.00
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