February 20, 2022 Announcements

2022 CIDC Goals

  • Timely completion of meeting hall buildout and resumption of in-person meetings
  • Quarterly gatherings for young adults/working saints
  • Six gospel events (e.g., Zoom, BfA, outings)
  • Ten baptisms
  • Prayer meeting attendance of 35, and endeavor to pray at least once in each prayer meeting — last week’s attendance: 38
  • Weekly in-person young people gatherings


CIDC Zoom Connection 1:
Meeting ID: 710 276 939 | Password: 142536 | Dial-in: (646) 558-8656

CIDC Zoom Connection 2:
Meeting ID: 475 779 813 | Password: 055662 | Dial-in: (646) 558-8656


2/23 – Overflow for “How to Meet” via Zoom, 7:30 PM
CIDC Zoom connection 1

2/23 – Prayer Meeting via Zoom8 PM
CIDC Zoom connection 1

2/27 – Lord’s Table Meeting via Zoom10:00 AM
CIDC Zoom connection 1

For Prophesying Meeting:
CIDC Zoom connection 1 — Arlington/DC/Alexandria Georgetown University George Washington/American U

CIDC Zoom connection 2 — Northeast DC/MD Falls Church/McLean Other saints


2/21 – Ministry Reading
How to Meet – Chapter 15 – By Praising through Our Experiences of Christ

2/21 – Holy Word for Morning Revival
Meeting God’s Need and Present Needs in the Lord’s Recovery
Week 4 – Prayer to Absorb God and the Express God by Praying to God as a Friend so that we can Co-Work with God

2/25 – 2/27 – 2022 Spring Mid-Atlantic College Retreat
The spring college retreat will be held at Skycroft Conference Center in Middletown, MD. High school seniors are invited to attend. The registration fee will be covered for students registering from DC.

$120 for on-time registration (Feb. 13 deadline)
$130 for late registration (Feb. 20 deadline)

The registration form is at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6UTm2048LchIGaM7Gzl4sVaw9MScrk-hhooIG4T_WKVEPVA/viewform

3/25 – 3/27 – 2022 Spring Mid-Atlantic Blending Conference

This in-person conference will be held at the Holiday Inn Virginia Beach/Norfolk at 5655 Greenwich Road Virginia Beach, VA 23462.

To reserve at the hotel please call 800-567-3856 or use the following link: Mid Atlantic Blending Conference.

A special conference rate with the hotel is $109.

In order to make some accommodations for those who attend we ask saints to fill out the following form – https://forms.gle/yh42hByCDyJ1XCV58.

The form is not intended to replace a hotel reservation. Please fill out the form by March 1, 2022.

Children’s service will be provided for all the messages.
There will be some meals provided at the hotel for conference attendees.

Meeting Schedule:
Message 1: Friday, March 25, 7:30 PM
Message 2: Saturday, March 26, 10 AM
Message 3: Saturday, March 26, 7:30 PM
Lord’s Table: Lord’s day, March 27, 9:30 AM
Message 4: Lord’s day, March 27, 10 AM

December Financial Statements
Available at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w6VfB5_r9Wh82YG9vYBkc7dNp-u7gDTb/view?usp=sharing.
The file is protected by the same password as before.

Church in Atlanta Meeting Hall Restoration and Renovation 
In June 2020, the Church in Atlanta meeting hall sustained substantial damage as a result of an arson during a period of social unrest.
Please click the link to see the fellowship concerning the plan to restore and renovate the meeting hall. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QAXippgO3D7OmmeRfRp94KKKZl-s2mZK/view?usp=sharing
If led by the Lord, please designate your gifts to “Atlanta Meeting Hall” or go to meetinghall.churchinatlanta.org for options to give directly.

If making contributions electronically via Zelle, send contributions to email address cidcofferings@gmail.com. Please specify designations in the memo field if necessary.


Electronic versions of HWMR are available and can be purchased through various outlets, depending on your device/platform:

Google Play
English: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=-x9JEAAAQBAJ 
Spanish: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=id=_x9JEAAAQBAJ
Traditional Chinese: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=Jb1HEAAAQBAJ 
Simplified Chinese: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=SrtHEAAAQBAJ

English: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JT1K22N
Spanish: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JT3LZHP

iOS devices
English: https://books.apple.com/us/book/id1591240053
Spanish: https://books.apple.com/us/book/id1591239952

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