12/30 Holy Word for Morning Revival: Propagating the Resurrected, Ascended, and All-inclusive Christ as the Development of the Kingdom of God, Week 5 – Christ as the Stone-Savior Producing Living Stones for God’s Building
12/30 Hymn for the Week: #7 “Glory, glory to the Father” (link to top 50 hymns)
1/2 Prayer Meeting at the Kung’s, 8 pm
1/6 Lord’s Table in homes, 10 am
2018 Winter Video Training Schedule:
Messages 4 and 5: 4:30 PM and 7 PM, 12/30
Messages 6 and 7: 4:30 PM and 7 PM, 1/1
Message 8: 7:30 PM, 1/4
Messages 9 and 10: 4:30 PM and 7 PM, 1/5
Messages 11 and 12: 4:30 PM and 7 PM, 1/6
Training locations: NOVA: Messages 4-5 at Dilworth’s, Messages 6-12 at Jang’s NE DC: Messages 1-7 at Shih’s, Messages 8-12 at Byrd’s
*Open session to all the saints: Message 8
Lord’s Move in Europe – The latest report on the Lord’s move in Europe is available at https://www.amanatrust.org.uk/images/2018-Summer-Training-Europe-Update.pdf. All are encouraged to review and bring these matters to our prayers.
A New Meeting Hall in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – There is a financial need for the purchase of a new meeting hall in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. If led by the Lord to contribute, designate your offerings for “Meeting Hall in Addis Ababa.”
UK Building Project (London) – There is a financial need for the expansion of facilities at Woodland Camp near London, so that 200 Europeans per week can be trained. If led by the Lord to contribute, designate your offerings for “UK Building Fund.”
- The next HWMR – Propagating the Resurrected, Ascended, and All-inclusive Christ as the Development of the Kingdom of God – Is now available for purchase at the book table. Cost per book $8.00
- The Ministry of the Word (Periodical), Vol. 22, No. 09, 09/2018
- In This Issue: Enjoying the Riches of Christ for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ – FTTA Spring Term 2018 – $10.75 – Saints, please sign up and pre-paid at the book table.
- 2019 Gospel Calendar is available to be pick up at the book table for saints who sign up and pre-paid. Also, we have 6 extra available for sales at $7.00 each.