April 18, 2021 Announcements

Church in DC Goals

  • Buildout of meeting hall and resumption of in-person meetings
  • Endeavor to have shepherding/gospel activities one hour a week
  • Ten baptisms
  • Four Families/couples to migrate into the District of Columbia
  • Prayer meeting attendance of 35, and endeavor to pray at least once in each prayer meeting — last week’s attendance: 37
  • Endeavor to prophesy at least once a month in the prophesying meeting
  • Endeavor to actively participate in the Lord’s Table meeting
  • Five new college students who regularly attend the college student meeting

Zoom Links

CIDC Zoom Connection 1:
Meeting ID: 710 276 939 | Password: 142536 | Dial-in: (646) 558-8656

CIDC Zoom Connection 2:
Meeting ID: 475 779 813 |  Password: 055662 | Dial-in: (646) 558-8656

Church in DC Announcements

4/19 Holy Word for Morning Revival
Crystallization-Study of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Vol. 2, Week 9 — Reading the Book of Proverbs with a Praying Spirit So That It Will Render Us Nuggets and Gems to Strengthen Our Life of Pursuing Christ for the Fulfillment of God’s Economy

4/19 Ministry Reading
Life-Study of Colossians, Message 20 — To Walk in Christ, the Mystery of God

4/21 Prayer Meeting via Zoom8 PM
CIDC Zoom connection 1

GTCA Update
Please go to https://gtca.us/updates for the latest updates, including those for Richmond and Pittsburgh.

4/25 Lord’s Table Meeting, 10:00 AM
CIDC Zoom connection 1

For Prophesying Meeting:
CIDC Zoom connection 1 — Falls Church/McLean, Arlington/DC/Alexandria, other saints

CIDC Zoom connection 2 —  Georgetown University, George Washington/American U, Northeast DC/MD

5/14-15 2021 Mid-Atlantic Working Saints Conference
Brother Mark Raabe will be will be with us live online on Friday-Saturday, May 14-15. The burden for this conference is to continue the annual gathering and blending of the working saints and saints with young families from the churches in the Mid-Atlantic region.

To register, at no cost, please go to http://midatlanticworkingsaints.org/. Registration is required to receive instructions by email on how to participate in the conference through Zoom. Saints can register either individually or by family.

6/28-7/2 2021 Virtual Summer Bible Camp (SBC)
Hosted by the churches in DC, Dunn Loring, and Fairfax.

Registration is now open through April 30 at https://sbc.mayp.org/register.

Saints in Myanmar — A total of 57 saints, consisting of 11 families, at one village in Myanmar had been severely persecuted and had to relocate to another village as a result. Please see https://nztc.ac.nz/myanmar/ for additional details. Their immediate needs have been met. But if burdened to give, the gifts will be used for the Lord’s work in Myanmar. The web site https://nztc.ac.nz/myanmar/ provides offering instructions. You can also offer through the Church in DC by designating your offerings to “Saints in Myanmar;” these offerings will then be forwarded accordingly.

February and March financial statements — available from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S1db05t5oXtUMi-xqpcKyyKSze63dbCP/view?usp=sharing. The file is protected by the same password as before.


If making contributions electronically via Zelle, send contributions to email address cidcofferings@gmail.com. Please specify designations in the memo field if necessary. 

Book Room

Electronic versions are available and can be purchased through various outlets, depending on your device/platform: 

Google Play
English, Volume 2: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=Za4REAAAQBAJ
Spanish, Volume 2: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=aa4REAAAQBAJ

English, Volume 2: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08RXLZFNB
Spanish, Volume 2: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08RXLNNXB

iOS devices
English, Volume 2: https://books.apple.com/us/book/holy-word-for-morning-revival-crystallization-study/id1548517874
Spanish, Volume 2: https://books.apple.com/us/book/la-palabra-santa-para-avivamiento-matutino-estudio/id1548517930
Chinese (instructions): https://churchindunnloring.org/files/HWMR_CHT_IOS.pdf

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