9/18 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – (from the Mid-Atlantic Labor Day Conference) Praying the Word of God, Week 2 – Praying the Word Personally
9/18 Corporate Ministry Reading- Life-Study of Romans, Volume One, Message 2: The Gospel of God
9/20 Church in DC prayer meeting at the Yap’s, 8 pm
9/24 Lord’s Table at Key School, 10 am
10/27-29 YP Fall Conference at Camp Letts in Edgewater, MD. Please see brother Joe Chang for details.
11/3-5 College Retreat/Conference in Williamsburg, VA. More information is forthcoming.
11/18-19 Mid-Atlantic Working Saints and Families Retreat — To be held at Camp Wabanna, 101 Likes Rd, Edgewater, MD 21037. The registration deadline is 9/30, or until full, whichever is earlier. The fees are $85 for adult, $25 for children 4-12 years old, and free for children 3 and under. Go to http://midatlanticworkingsaints.org/ for more information and registration.
Middle Eastern Refugee Crisis in Europe — To support the specific aspects of the work related to LSM, Rhema, and LME, designate givings as follows:
1. For publications translation, designate to “LSM/Refugee Language Work.”
2. For publications distribution, designate to “Rhema/MyFreedom Project.”
3. For full timer support and other related expenses, designate to “LME/European Gospel Work.”
UK Building Fund — To contribute to new training facilities at/near Bower House, designate to “UK Building Fund.”
Immediate burdens:
•A suitable meeting hall
•Ongoing burden for the preaching of the gospel in Germany and throughout Europe
•Healing of saints who are in sickness
Christ as the Reality – $10
HWMR: Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, Volume 3- $6.00
The Ministry of the Word (periodical), Volume 21, Number 07, 2017 Summer Training- $13.00
Church Address (United States, U.S. Territories, Canada, Mexico, Central America & Caribbean) – $3.00
La Esplendida Vida la Iglesia – (CD’s) – $10.00
Soy del Senor – (CD’s) – $10.00
Se ascerca del dia – (CD’s) – $10.00
Joy Unspeakable – (CD’s) – $10.00
Gozo Inefable – (CD’s) – $10.00
O Jesus Most Desired (CD’s) – $10.00
Christ Habite en Moi – (CD’s) – $10.00
Esplendida vida da igreja – Portuguese – (CD’s) – $10.00
The Full Ministry of Christ – CD Song tape- $15.00