7/27 Corporate Ministry Reading – The Normal Way of Fruit-bearing and Shepherding for the Building up of the Church – second half of Chapter 8, Practical Points Concerning Shepherding (pgs 104 – 109)
7/29 Prayer meeting in the homes, 8:00 pm
8/2 Lord’s Day Meeting in the homes, 10:00 am
The audio recordings of the National College Training are available from:
9/4-9/6 Mid-Atlantic Labor Day Conference – The conference will be held at the Beltsville Meeting hall. Brother Minoru Chen will again be with us. Meeting schedule:
Message 1: Friday, September 4, 8 PM
Message 2: Saturday, September 5, 10 AM
Special fellowship with young couples & working saints: September 5, 5:30 PM
Message 3: Saturday, September 5, 7:30 PM
Lord’s Table: Lord’s day, September 6, 9:30 AM
Message 4: Lord’s day, September 6, 10 AM
Children’s service will be provided for all the messages. Child care will be provided for the special fellowship time Saturday afternoon.
Dinner will be provided for the saints attending the special Saturday afternoon fellowship.
Immediate burdens:
- Exercise of the working saints, families, and saints in general in light of the recent fellowship by brothers Benjamin Chen and Keh-Shin Lii
- Transition of graduating saints
- Graduating FTTA trainees
- New Jersey Perfecting Training 7/26-8/2. Many saints from the D.C. region are attending.
- After the National College Training, continue steadfastly in prayer for these students as they return to summer internships, families, summer school, work, or other activities. We consider that the National College Training was the beginning of a new era in the Lord’s move on the campuses and must strongly pray for its continuation.
Mid-term burdens:
- The Lord’s leading regarding a meeting hall in DC
- A full-time Team serving in the metro DC region
- More serving ones and fellowship for the Church in DC Children’s service
Ongoing burdens:
- Increase in the number of saints attending the Wednesday prayer meetings of the Church in DC
- Need for a new revival, increase, and more blending for the churches in the Mid-Atlantic area
- Strengthen existing home meetings in the Church in DC
- Have more open homes within the District of Columbia
- Shepherd our children and strengthen the Children’s service
- Shepherd our students and gain increase from the campuses
- Cherishing of new ones, particularly those who come to Lord’s Table meeting
- The Ministry of the Word – The Recovery of the Priesthoold for God’s Building – $10.50
- Hymns#1-1348 (Large,words only) – $25.00
- The Law of Revival – $6.00
- Estudio mas profundo en cuanto a la imparticion divina,Un (Spanish) – $10.25
- The Faith, Testimony, and Ground of the Church (Traditional Chinese) – $7.50
- Conclusion del Nuevo Testamento, La (Mensajes 276-294) (Spanish) – $8.75
- The Principles and the Practice of the Gospel Preaching (Traditional Chinese) – $8.25