11/20 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, Vol. 4, Week 22 – The Flow of Life with the Ministry of Life out from and for the Magnificent House of God
11/20 Corporate Ministry Reading – Life-Study of Romans, Volume One, Message 11 – Identification with Christ
11/22 Church in DC Prayer Meeting at the Yap’s, 8pm
11/26 Lord’s Table Meeting at Key Elementary School, 10am
12/3 Deadline for 2017 Winter Video Training Registration – The registration for the video training (12/29-1/1, 1/5-1/7) is reopened ($105 per trainee). Please register with brother Tony Jang. The registration deadline for the live training has passed.
2/16-18 2018 International Chinese-Speaking Conference – The conference will be held at the Taipei World Trade Center, Nangang Exhibition Hall 1, Taipei. There will also be church visitation trips before and after the conference. Please see separate email for more details and registration (before 11/28).
Semi-Annual Training Support for German Saints – In coordination with the serving ones in Germany, the churches in the Mid-Atlantic are helping 15 saints from the German-speaking world attend the semi-annual training in Anaheim who otherwise do not have the financial means to do so. They are primarily college students and young serving ones, including one who is a Farsi translator. Donations for this purpose can be designated for “German saints.”
Middle Eastern Refugee Crisis in Europe – To support the specific aspects of the work related to LSM, Rhema, and LME, designate givings as follows:
For publications translation, designate to “LSM/Refugee Language Work.”
For publications distribution, designate to “Rhema/MyFreedom Project.”
For full timer support and other related expenses, designate to “LME/European Gospel Work.”
UK Building Fund – To contribute to new training facilities at/near Bower House, designate to “UK Building Fund.”
Hurricane and Earthquake Relief for Puerto Rico and Mexico – To participate in relief offerings for Puerto Rico and Mexico, please use either of these two options:
Designate your Church in DC givings to “Puerto Rico” or “Mexico City.”
Give a one-time gift by PayPal, credit or debit card, or ACH transfer through LME, www.lordsmove.org/e-offer ings.html, again designating your giving to either “Puerto Rico” or “Mexico City.”
Hurricane Relief for Houston – To participate in relief offerings for Houston, please use either of these two options:
Designate your Church in DC givings to “Houston.”
Contribute through www.churchi nhouston.org/offerings.
Immediate burdens:
A suitable meeting hall
Ongoing burden for the preaching of the gospel in Germany and throughout Europe
Healing of saints who are in sickness
The Mystery of Human Life (Booklet) – $.50
HWMR, Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel,Vol 4, is available for purchase at the book table. Cost for this publication: $6.00