10/5 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Crystallization-Study of Exodus, Vol. 4 – Week 21: Keeping Feasts unto God Three Times a Year Typifying the Full Enjoyment of the Triune God in Christ.
10/5 Corporate Ministry Reading – The Law of Revival – second half of Chapter 4, The Application of the Law of Revival (pgs. 46-50)
10/7 Prayer meeting in the homes, 8:00 pm
10/11 Lord’s Day Meeting at Key Elementary School, 10:00 am
10/11 Church picnic — There will be a picnic at Key School right after the meeting. Food will be catered. Because we can only use the facility until 1 PM, the meeting will be somewhat abbreviated.
10/11 Deadline for Fall College Retreat. The fall college retreat will be held 10/23-10/25 at Camp Letts, located at 4009 Camp Letts Rd, Edgewater, MD 21037. The cost is $92 if registered before 10/11, and $102 if registered before 10/18. Please register with and give payment to brother Joe Chang. If paid by check, make check payable to Church in Washington DC.
10/16-10/18 Pennsylvania Blending Conference — The 2015 Fall Pennsylvania Blending Conference will be held at the Lancaster Host Resort & Conference Center in Lancaster, PA. Conference invitation and hotel information were sent out to all the saints on 9/20. Please register at http://goo.gl/forms/9FTZYgVmjr before 10/7 so that we have a headcount.
10/30-11/1 North East Chinese-speaking Fall Conference — The 2015 North East Chinese-speaking Fall Conference will be held at the Church in Franklin meeting hall in Franklin, NJ. There will be separate meetings focusing on the gospel, new believers perfecting, children and young people service, and church services and coordination. The registration fee is $25 covering outlines and meals for Saturday and Lord’s day. Please register with sister Jing Yan before 10/18.
11/1 Deadline for 2015 Winter Training registration. The live 2015 winter training will be held at the Ministry Conference Center 12/21-12/26 in Anaheim, CA. The video training will be simultaneously held at two locations in the homes, one in NE DC, and the other in Northern Virginia. Below is the video training schedule:
MSG 1: 12/24 (Thursday), 7:30 pm
MSG 2 and 3: 12/25 (Friday), 4:30 and 7 pm
MSG 4 and 5: 12/26 (Saturday), 4:30 and 7 pm
MSG 6 and 7: 12/27 (Lord’s day), 4:30 and 7 pm
MSG 8: 12/31 (Thursday), 7:30 pm
MSG 9 and 10: 1/1 (Friday), 4:30 and 7 pm
MSG 11 and 12: 1/2 (Saturday), 4:30 and 7 pm
Donation (including outlines) is $155 for live and $80 for video training if registered before 11/1. Any late registration for the live training will incur an additional $50 charge per trainee and subject to LSM approval. Registration for the video training will open again after the 11/1 due date. Please submit training registration form together with training donation to brother Tony Jang.
FTTA care packages — Brother Paul Niesen and another brother will visit FTTA trainees from the Mid-Atlantic area 11/1-11/4. If you have a desire to send care packages to the FTTA trainees through Paul, brother Joe Chang will collect the packages until 10/21.
2015 Mid-Atlantic Labor Day Conference: Audio recordings of the Labor Day conference are available at http://churchindunnloring.org/audio/.
Immediate burdens:
The Pennsylvania Blending Conference (10/16-10/18)
The fall college retreat (10/23-10/25)
The Northeast Chinese-speaking Fall Conference (10/30-11/1)
Mid-term burdens:
The Lord’s leading regarding a meeting hall in DC
Ongoing burdens:
Increase in the number of saints attending the Wednesday prayer meetings of the Church in DC
Need for a new revival, increase, and more blending for the churches in the Mid-Atlantic area
Strengthen existing home meetings in the Church in DC
Have more open homes within the District of Columbia
Shepherd our children and strengthen the Children’s service
Shepherd our students and gain increase from the campuses
Cherishing of new ones, particularly those who come to Lord’s Table meeting
The Ministry of the Word – The Recovery of the Priesthood for God’s Building – $10.50
Hymns#1-1348 (Large,words only) – $25.00
The Law of Revival – $6.00
Estudio mas profundo en cuanto a la imparticion divina,Un (Spanish) – $10.25
Conclusion del Nuevo Testamento, La (Mensajes 276-294) (Spanish) – $8.75
The Faith, Testimony, and Ground of the Church (Traditional Chinese) – $7.50
The Principles and the Practice of the Gospel Preaching (Traditional Chinese) – $8.25
Just Arrived:
The Ministry of the Word (Periodical), Vol.19,No.09 09/2015
In This Issue: Living in the Reality of the Kingdom of God
2015 Spring Term Full-time Training