7/10 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Cooperating with the Heavenly Ministry of the Ascended Christ, Week 4: Propogating the Resurrected Christ under the Heavenly Ministry of the Ascended Christ
7/10 Corporate Ministry Reading- Life-Study of Ezekiel, Volume Two, Message 20: The Outer and Inner Courts
7/12 Church in DC prayer meeting at the Yap’s, 8 pm
7/16 Lord’s table meeting at Key Elementary School, 10 AM.
7/4-7/16 Summer Video Training Schedule
MSG 6: LD 7/9, 4:30 pm
MSG 7: LD 7/9, 7 pm (OPEN)
MSG 8: Fri 7/14, 7:30 pm (OPEN)
MSG 9: Sat 7/15, 4:30
MSG 10: Sat 7/15, 7 pm
MSG 11: LD 7/16, 4:30 pm
MSG 12: LD 7/16, 7 pm (OPEN)
Video training will be held at the Dilworth’s for MSG 1-7, and the Jang’s for MSG 8-12. Messages 7, 8, and 12 will be open to all the saints.
9/1-9/3 2017 Mid-Atlantic Labor Day Conference – To be held at the meeting hall of the Church in Beltsville.
Middle Eastern Refugee Crisis in Europe — To support the specific aspects of the work related to LSM, Rhema, and LME, designate givings as follows:
1. For publications translation, designate to “LSM/Refugee Language Work.”
2. For publications distribution, designate to “Rhema/MyFreedom Project.”
3. For full timer support and other related expenses, designate to “LME/European Gospel Work.”
UK Building Fund — To contribute to new training facilities at/near Bower House, designate to “UK Building Fund.”
Immediate burdens:
•A suitable meeting hall
•Ongoing burden for the preaching of the gospel in Germany and throughout Europe
•Healing of saints who are in sickness
HWMR, The Cooperating with the Heavenly Ministry of the Ascended Christ is available to purchase at the book table. – $7.00
La Esplendida Vida la Iglesia – (CD’s) – $10.00
Soy del Senor – (CD’s) – $10.00
Se ascerca del dia – (CD’s) – $10.00
Joy Unspeakable – (CD’s) – $10.00
Gozo Inefable – (CD’s) – $10.00
O Jesus Most Desired (CD’s) – $10.00
Christ Habite en Moi – (CD’s) – $10.00
Esplendida vida da igreja – Portuguese – (CD’s) – $10.00