Announcements 6/26/16

6/27 The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Service for the Building up of the Church,Week 7, Serving God by Prayer according to His Heart and Will

6/27 Corporate ministry reading – Basic Lessons on Service – the second half of chapter 9, The Practice of the Lord’s Table Meeting (6)

6/29 Prayer meeting in the homes, 8:00 pm

7/3 Lord’s Day Meeting in homes, 10:00am

7/1-7/2 Hospitality needed — Hospitality for two nights (7/1-7/2) is needed for the Full-Time Training in Taipei-Middle Age trainees who will be visiting the Washington DC area churches. The hosts will need to provide breakfast on 7/2 and 7/3, and dinner on 7/2. Please respond to the online sign-up form if you’re able to provide hospitality.

7/1 Blending Meeting with FTTT-MA Trainees – There will be a blending meeting with the FTTT-MA trainees on Friday night, July 1, at the meeting hall of the Church in Dunn Loring. Although the meeting will be in Chinese, all saints are welcome to attend. Please bring your own FM radios if you need translation. Dinner will be provided and will begin at 6 pm. Child care will be provided for children 4 years and up and the nursery will be available for parents to stay with their children younger than 4. Please sign up with Service Office if you plan on attending so that we can get an estimate for dinner and for child care.

Summer School of Truth – The Summer School of Truth will be in Beltsville, MD from August 1-7. The registration deadline is July 3 and the fee is $70.

7/7-7/17 2016 Summer Video Training Schedule:

MSG 1: Thu 7/7, 7:30 pm
MSG 2: Fri 7/8 , 7:30 pm (OPEN)
MSG 3: Sat 7/9, 4:30 pm

MSG 4: Sat 7/9,  7 pm
MSG 5: LD 7/10, 4:30 pm
MSG 6: LD 7/10, 7 pm (OPEN)
MSG 7: Thu 7/14, 7:30 pm
MSG 8: Fri 7/15, 7:30 pm (OPEN)
MSG 9: Sat 7/16, 4:30
MSG 10: Sat 7/16, 7 pm
MSG 11: LD 7/17, 4:30 pm
MSG 12: LD 7/17, 7 pm (OPEN)

The video training will be held at the Shih’s (in NE DC) and the Jang’s (northern VA) for the first weekend, and the Miller’s (in NE DC) and the Dilworth’s (northern VA) for the second weekend. Messages 2, 6, 8, and 12 will be open to all the saints.

Middle Eastern Refugee Crisis in Europe — The website and application for the gospel trip can be found at: If burdened to give to support the specific aspects of the work related to LSM, Rhema, and LME, please designate your giving as follows:

1. For publications translation, please designate your giving to “LSM/Refugee Language Work.”
2. For publications distribution, please designate your giving to “Rhema/MyFreedom Project.”
3. For full timer support and other related expenses, please designate your giving to “LME/European Gospel Work.”

UK Building Fund — In light of the Lord’s move in Europe in the past few years, there is a great need for further capacity for blending and training for all Europeans. Please see the link for more details: If burdened to give, please designate your giving to “UK Building Fund.”

The Church in Wellington Meeting Hall Need — During the Memorial Day Conference there was a fellowship concerning the financial need for the meeting hall of the church in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand. If burdened to give, please designate your giving to “Church in Wellington meeting hall.”


Immediate burdens:
The increase of the Church in Washington, D.C. by 15% in 2016 through preaching of the gospel
Training, perfecting, and blending of the brothers in the Mid-Atlantic through the Eldership Training
Ongoing burden for the preaching of the gospel in Germany and throughout Europe


The Gospel of God (booklet for distribution) – Set of 50 – $5.00
Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs – $8.00
Life Lesson,Vol. 1 (#1-12) – $7.00
Hymns#1-1348 (Medium,words only) – $22.50
Hymns#1-1348 (Small,words only) – $20.00
Love Unknown – YPNYCD song – $10.00
I Am The Lord’s – YPNYCD song – $10.00

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